America’s Sweetheart Spreads Eyelove

America’s Sweetheart Spreads Eyelove

Jennifer Aniston has everything – looks, talent, fame, and fortune. The gorgeous actress was crowned the World’s Most Beautiful Woman by ‘People’ magazine for the third time in 2016. At age 48, she maintains her natural beauty and age-defying physique by eating an incredibly healthy diet and incorporating a daily workout routine. It’s no surprise that people follow her diet and exercise tips in hopes of matching her amazing figure. Continue reading

Tips for Controlling Nearsightedness

Tips for Controlling Nearsightedness

Myopia (nearsightedness) is the ability to see well at near but the inability to see well at distance without corrective help, such as glasses. Myopia is primarily caused by “axial elongation” (an eyeball that grows to long). Myopia is considered an optical condition of the eye, not a medial condition, and therefore treatment is not usually covered by medical insurances. Continue reading