Scleral Lenses for Everyone!

Scleral Lenses for Everyone!

What are scleral lenses? Scleral lenses are large diameter gas permeable contact lenses that vaults over the cornea and lands on the white of the eye (the sclera) and is supported by tear fluid that fills in between the lens and the eye – providing hydration for the surface of the eye. Continue reading

Contact Lenses That Correct Your Vision Overnight

Contact Lenses That Correct Your Vision Overnight

Over the holidays, I fit my son into orthokeratology lenses, commonly referred to as Ortho-K or CRT (Corneal Refractive Therapy) lenses. These are rigid gas permeable contact lenses that are worn only at night while asleep. They reshape the cornea temporarily so that upon awakening, you have normal vision at all distances without the need for glasses or contact lenses! The effect lasts the entire day, even two days for those with lower prescriptions. Continue reading