Yay or Nay on 3D movies?

Yay or Nay on 3D movies?

The other day, I was standing in line at the grocery store waiting impatiently for the cashier to ring me up. But he was caught up in an animated conversation with the customer in front of me about pulling all-nighters, buying tickets, and watching the “entire series.”  And then I figured it out, they were Star Wars fanatics discussing the next movie coming out in a little over a week. I had to chuckle because I have to admit, I’m looking forward to it too and have planned to watch all 6 movies with the family before we head out to see it. So I guess you can call me a Star Wars fan too, just not as enthusiastic as the two guys in front of me at Trader Joe’s.

A question that will inevitably come up is, “Should we watch it in 3D?” How can you not, right? But some of us experience eye fatigue when watching 3D. It’s not uncommon, in fact, a good majority of my patients mention that their eyes tire when watching 3D movies. Continue reading